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Here you can see a selected set of writeup and reports I have done for my courses.

Data Mining

1. Basic Classification and Plots: Click HERE.

Given the variable name, variable type, the measurement unit and a brief description, the "Blood Transfusion Service Center" is a classification problem solved in this assignment.

You can find the full report and the notebook in the first folder.

2. Classification Algorithms, PCA, and Parameter Tuning: Click HERE.

Part one is a classification problem on the Maternal Health Risk Dataset, using Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbors(KNN), Support Vector Machine(SVM), and Random Forest classification algorithms. Parameter tuning is performed using cross validation.

Part two is a classification problem on the Parkinson's Disease Classification Dataset, using Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbors(KNN), Support Vector Machine(SVM), and Random Forest classification algorithms. Feature extraction is performed using PCA.

You can find the full report and the notebook in the second folder.

3. MLP and Clustering Algorithms: Click HERE.

Part one is a classification problem on the Labeled Faces in the Wild Face Recognition Dataset, using multilayer perceptrons classification algorithm. Parameter tuning is performed using grid search and PCA is used for dimensionality reduction.

Part two is a clustering problem on a dataset of points on a 2d plane, using Lloyd's k-means, Fuzzy C-means, and DBSCAN clustering algorithms. The Elbow method is used to find the optimal number of clusters.

You can find the full report and the notebook in the third folder.

‣Link to All: Click HERE.

Algorithm Design

1. Steps For Designing Algorithms AND Asymptotic Notations: Click Here

2. Solving Recurrence Equations AND Generating Functions: Click Here

3. Divide and Conquer AND Selection : Click Here

4. Optimal Binary Search Tree: Click Here

5. Longest Common Subsequences AND Activity-Selection Problem: Click Here

6. Knapsack Problems AND Huffman Codes: Click Here

7. Backtracking Algorithms AND Branch and Bound Algorithms: Click Here

8. Graph Theory Problems AND Graph Traversal Problems: Click Here

9. Strongly Connected Components AND Shortest Paths AND Dijkstra’s Algorithm AND Bellman-Ford Algorithm: Click Here

10. All-Pairs Shortest Paths AND Floyd-Warshall Algorithm AND Minimum Spanning Tree: Click Here

11. Exact String Matching : Click Here

12. Nondeterministic Algorithms : Click Here

13. Reduction: Click Here

‣Link to All: Click HERE.

Graph Theory

1. Connected Graphs and Common Classes of Graphs: Click Here

2. The Degree of a Vertex, Regular Graphs and Degree Sequences: Click Here

3. Isomorphic Graphs, Graphs and Groups : Click Here

4. Bridges and Trees: Click Here

5. The Minimum Spanning Tree Problem: Click Here

6. The Number of Spanning Trees: Click Here

7. Cut-Vertices, Blocks, Connectivity: Click Here

8. Connectivity and Menger’s Theorems: Click Here

9. Connectivity and Menger’s Theorems: Click Here

10. Eulerian Graphs: Click Here

11. Hamiltonian Graphs: Click Here

12. Matchings and Factorization: Click Here

13. Matchings and Factorization: Click Here

‣Link to All: Click HERE.

Computation Theory

1. Turing Machines and Enumerators: Click Here

2. Turing Recognizable and Decidability: Click Here

3. Reducibility : Click Here

4. The Unlimited Register Machine: Click Here

5. URM-Computable Functions: Click Here

6. Generating And Numbering Computable Functions: Click Here

7. Recursive And Recursively Enumerable Sets: Click Here

‣Link to All: Click HERE.

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