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Teaching Experience

Here you can see the work I have done as an undergraduate teaching assistant at University of Tehran.

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Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Fall Semester 2022

Graded problem sets on various topics of algorithm design.
Created test cases for programming assignments.
Assisted students by answering their questions online and in-person.

Fundamentals of Computer Science and Programming

Fall Semester 2022

Designed engaging programming problems in Python and created test cases to help beginner level students become both interested and experienced in programming.
Assisted students by answering their questions online and in-person.

Computer Organization

Spring Semester 2022

Designed three sets of problems and their solutions, which you can see below:

  1. Binary Logic, Minterms and Maxterms, and Karnaugh Table: Homework, Solution
  2. Flip Flops, State Diagrams, and State Tables: Homework, Solution
  3. Microoperations: Homework,

Graded the assignments and answered students' questions online.


Spring Semester 2022

Held a problem solving classes, providing students with notes on complementary material, which you can see below:

  1. Binomial coefficients, Pascal's Triangle Binomial Expansion, Stirling and Bell Numbers : Notes, Extra Point

Designed one set of problems and its solutions, which you can see here:

  1. Generative Functions and Recursively-Defined Sequences: Homework, Solution

Graded the assignments and answered students' questions online.

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