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Here is collection of my presentations organized by course. I created the following slides using Prezi, Google Slides or Keynote (on Mac).
Feel free to take inspiration from or use any of them.

Linear Algebra

Linear Regression, Final Presentation

Description: I presented an introduction to linear regression with an emphasis on the concepts of linear algebra. I explained some applications of linear regression regarding Covid-19's pandemic.

Prezi Slides: Click HERE.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Dijkstra’s  Shortest Path Algorithm, Voluntarily Presentation

Description: I explained the Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm, talking about the intuition behind it, its pseudocode and Python code, an example of it, and a real-world application.

‣Google Slides: Click HERE.

Scientific Computing

‣Title: LU Factorization, Voluntarily Presentation

Description: A class presentation on lower–upper(LU) decomposition using gaussian elimination with and without pivoting.

‣Google Slides: Click HERE.

‣Title: ODEs and Matrix Decoupling, Voluntarily Presentation

‣Description: A class presentation on ordinary differential equation and their relation to matrix decoupling.

‣Google Slides: Click HERE.

Computation Theory

Upper Bound for Synchronizing Sequence, Voluntarily Presentation

Description: I talked about the concept of a synchronizing sequence in a deterministic finite automaton, its real-world applications, and a mathematical proof of finding the upper bound for its length.

‣Google Slides: Click HERE.

‣Latex Mathematical Proof: Click HERE.

Busy Beavers, Voluntarily Presentation

Description: I talked about the concept of a busy beaver Turing machine, explained the intuition, its importance and history, and a mathematical proof that the BB(n) function is uncomputable.

its real-world applications, and a mathematical proof of finding the upper bound for its length.

‣Latex Mathematical Proof: Click HERE.


Evolution of the Stress Response, Final Presentation

Description: In this presentation, we explained how the evolution of the stress response is related to our fight and flight response in everyday situations.

‣Prezi Slides: Click HERE

Scientific Writing

A Survey on Minimum Spanning Trees in Combinatorics, Final Project

Description: I explained the Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm, talking about the intuition behind it, its pseudocode, an example, and a real-world application.

‣Latex Paper File: Click HERE.

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